
no 3 sql isn't neccessary.
you could put an $i = 0 before the whlie loop and increment it at the end of
Thus you could do it with an if.-caluse: if ($i=0) { ehco "ad"; }. Same
thing for
ads which go between newsarticle 8 and 9.

Good luck

""Trond Erling Hundal"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi there...
> I was thinking of dividing a front page displaying 15 newsarticles into
> three parts.
> The first part, will contain only one article...
> Below the first article there will be an ad, before to columns suceeding
> this banner displays 2*7 articles...
> how do I do this?
> I know the array has indexes of 0, 1 ,2 ,3 etc etc...
> But, of course, I am fetching out several different columns from the db,
> title, ingress, date etc etc...
> How do I tell the script to display one the *first* title, and then 7
> more... and then additional 7....?
> I wan`t to avoid doing three sql`s... Or is this nescessary?
> -trond
> --
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