On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 03:38:50PM -0700, John Telesh wrote:
> I have created a form which I cannot duplicate the error which is coming up
> only sometimes.  An affiliate to my client had received emails regarding the
> following error:
> "The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL/index.html"
> The page this is running on is called "maxout.php" and it is a post onto
> <?PHP_SELF?>  I do not have a clue what is going on here.  Can anyone help,
> or have they seen this error before??
> Thanks,
> JT Telesh


I've had this 'problem' to a few days ago. I know it wasn't anything
serious. I'm gonna look and try to find out what it was again.


* R&zE:

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-- 2011 LM  HAARLEM
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