You would probably need some API plugins to search other websites.  

I've seen some people open socket connections, open the site and read the raw 
HTML from the socket into a buffer and then parse out the information that way.  
I don't know if PHP was really developed for such a purpose?  Maybe you can get 
the source code for htdig.

And I think pricewatch requires that the external companies 
notify/register/contact them.  They don't necessarily scane evry site out 
there, otherwise you might see "Best Buy" and "CompUSA" right?


> Hi,
> I'm wondering how can I write some php script to scan a couple of(or more)
> websites to find out the lowest price of a particular item? what is the idea
> behind this kind of programing?
> Also, I am always wondering how does the pricewatch website works? (I don't
> think that they did page by page html, right? How do they grab the data from
> other websites?)
> Thank you and your ideas and info will be much appreciated...
> Bo
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