
Have a look for POST in your httpd.conf and see if it is allowed. Also have a 
look in the Apache FAQ - there are details on getting POST to happen.


On Tue, 30 Jan 2001 15:57, blinddog wrote:
> I have just started using PHP and MYSQL and am having a problem placing
> data into my db via a PHP generated web page.
> To test my connectivity to the db and that I could insert data I created a
> php page that as soon as I loaded it on a browser
> connected to mysql
> open the particulat database
> placed data into the db (the info required for the db was already in the
> php file)
> the above was successful and the new data placed in the database.
> My next php page
> connected to mysql
> open the particular database
> created a form in which to place the information
> then allows the user to submit the form and should place the info within
> the db
> This is where I run into problems and receive the message
> "Method Not Allowed
> The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /index.shtml."
> Within my apache config I have included
> AddType text/html .shtml
> AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
> Can anyone help? What am I missing?
> Also I am running Mandrake Linux 7.2
> Thanx
> Andrew D

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