Take out the extraneous bracket!
Should be: $sql  =  "update my_contacts set fname='$fname', name='$lname' 
where id=$id";
At 05:52 PM 12/2/2001 -0400, Miles Thompson wrote:
>There a couple of good tutorials on this sort of thing at 
>http://www.thickbook.com. Well worth a visit.
>I've plucked your shorter example out and re-written it this way:
>$sql  =  "update my_contacts set fname='$fname', name='$lname' where id=$id");
>Note the single quotes around the $fname and $lname fields. They are most 
>likely char types and need the quotes. I didn't know what type id was, so 
>I left it plain.
>This lets you see what your query looks like for debuggin by issuing this:
>echo $sql;
>You execute it this way:
>$result = mysql_query( $sql, $connection);
>(you can the or die with mysql_error() if you wish)
>On the INSERT, just use simple quotes around your char fields, echo the 
>$sql to see what you are getting, and don't be surprised when it's 
>something really trivial. I've often had a bad hour or t wo before supper, 
>then come back downstairs and spotted the missing/extra comma, closing 
>bracket or whatever.
>HTH - Miles Thompson
>REALLY RECOMMEND those Julie Meloni tutorials at thickbook. Succinct and 
>to the point. /mt
>At 04:27 PM 12/2/2001 -0500, Kevin Ruiz wrote:
>>I'm working on an application that will allow resellers to log into the site
>>and see their potential buyers.
>>When they log in they see their potential buyers and by clicking a link they
>>will get more detailed information about their contacts.  They will also
>>have a link to update their clients listings.
>>As of now I have this set up like this...
>>A person logs in and sees their contacts.  If they click the update link
>>they are takent to a page that lists their contact information.  I've put
>>the respected variables in the "value" attributes of the input tags.  I want
>>to make this process as easy as possible.  I dont' want them to have to
>>update every field if they just want to change a contact's phone number.
>>Here's the problem...when they click the button to send the changes they
>>still see their old information.  I know that this is because I've set the
>>value to their old variables.  Does anyone know a way to get their old input
>>in as the variable value and to still be able to see their new information
>>on the next page.
>>I also want this information to overwrite any existing record based on the
>>potential contact's id.  The sql section of the code I have looks like this:
>>         $sql = "INSERT INTO $table_name
>>                     (id, contactid, fname, lname, title, cnl, address1,
>>address2, city, state, postcode,
>>                     country, phone, cell, fax, emailnl, smanager,
>>percomplete, nfud, exrevenue, wl, cwl)
>>                     VALUES
>>                     (\"\", \"$contactid\", \"$fname\", \"$lname\",
>>\"$title\", \"$cnl\", \"$address1\", \"$address2\", \"$city\", \"$state\",
>>                     \"$postcode\", \"$country\", \"$phone\",
>>                     \"$cell\", \"$fax\", \"$emailnl\", \"$smanager\",
>>\"$percomplete\", \"$nfud\", \"$exrevenue\", \"$wl\", \"$cwl\")
>>                     ";
>>         $result = @mysql_query($sql,$connection)
>>              or die("Couldn't execute query.");
>>I know this doesn't overwrite each entry.  I've also tried something like
>>         $sql = mysql_query("update my_contacts set fname=$fname,
>>lname=$lname where id=$id");
>>Whenever I would try to run that query I would get an error back saying I
>>couldn't execute that query.
>>If anyone has any ideas I would be more than grateful.  Thanks for your
>>I'm new to the php/mysql world so if I didn't provide enough relevant code
>>let me know.
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