Well, I've gone on to the next step of my project.

I've finally moved to a more structured development approach, treating web pages as forms as having them call a central cgi script that dispatchs calls to other scripts, and then redirects the client to the next step.... Basically, a mini servlet idea.

So, in my pages, the forms call a central script, say 'foo.php'.

foo.php redirects the client to a webpage that shows a "Please wait, processing your request' page, using http header rediracts.

When processing completes, foo.php sends another http redirect header to the client to redirect it to the next step. The problem is the following...

Say the client is on a.php, which renders a form that calls foo.php when submitted. After processing, foo.php redirects the client back to a.php.

( a.php has a search form, and displays query results from the DB ).

The problem is that a.php is not refreshed, it shows the last value. I've tried various http caching headers, and other items, and I can't seem to force a refresh when redirecting back to a.php.

Is there a header that says "Go to a, but refresh it too."?


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