
hope this question has not been answered too often, but search is
offline :(

I have a problem with openssl_get_privatekey. Im trying to generate an
private-key, writing it encrypted to disk and using it later to decrypt
a secret message.
The functions works without a password like a charm, but if I'm trying
to read the private key with a password nothing seems to work. 
In a browser I get errors fprom openssl_open because it has no valid
key-resource (how without a password .. works as designed) and with the
cgi-verion on command-line, the openssl callback pops up and prompts me
for a password. If I enter there the passphrase the message gets
I'm going nuts on this ... resource openssl_get_privatekey ( mixed key
[, string passphrase]) ist not that complicated :(

Here're some code-snippets (very simple, just inteded to verifiy basic

Generating the key :
$passphrase = "banana";
$privkey = openssl_pkey_new($dn);
openssl_pkey_export_to_file($privkey, "/tmp/banana/pkey1.pem",

Loading the key and decoding something
$passphrase = "banana";
$fp = fopen("/tmp/banana/pkey1.pem", "r");
$pkey = fread($fp, 8192);
$key = openssl_get_privatekey($pkey,$passphrase);

Output on command-line :

vincent:/w3/data/ssltest# php decrypt.php 
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.0-dev
Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-15

Enter PEM pass phrase:

Used versions :


Also tries gcc-2.95.4 and gcc-3.0.4 with and without -O3
compile-arguments ... nothing :(

Any Ideas Folks ?

TIA & Greetz


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