From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux 2.4.4-pre5
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Unknown/Other Function
Bug description:  shmop.c: shmop_open() with mode "a" is miscoded

file: php4/ext/shmop/shmop.c

The documentation states two modes for shmop_open(). "a" and "c". While "c" is usefull 
for creation (and access), "a" is programmed incorrect and misdocumented (for access 
and other uses).

Currently "a" is inserting the IPC_EXCL flag for (system) shmget(). This is completly 
useless, as IPC_EXCL is only operative when IPC_CREAT is set (which isn't).
Further "a" inserts SHM_RDONLY for (system) shmat(). This makes an read-only attach 
instead of a read-write, which does not need any flags.

To let the "a" do what it is intended for remove line 117 and 118 from shmop.c.

Furthermore the documentation could be more precise: "a" does never create a shm 
segment, while "c" maybe creates one.

Other usefull changes to the code in this respect would brake the interface (as it is 
_used_ now...).


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