Hi Folks,

we did implement a GPS Reference Station Webserver using Apache, PHP and
ODBC Connectivity to MS Access Database files (found at
http://www.virtualrtk.com). Currently we are using Apache 1.3.20, PHP 4.0.6
and the
latest Version of  Microsoft Access mdb-Driver 4.00.5303.1 got from
Service Pack 2. And now since we using Access 2000 in the back we got
serious problems regarding the database connectivity. In other words we are
not able to write any data to the tables using PHP as we did before
through Access 97 Driver (fetching tables still works fine). I'm pretty sure
that this problem is related to Access 2000 because I switched back to
Access 97 and it worked just fine. Does anyone know if the is any
difference between Access 2000 and 97?


Sebastian Poetschke - Trimble Terrasat GmbH
Software Development Engineer
Haringstrasse 19 - 85635 Hoehenkirchen - Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 8102 7433-0 - Fax: +49 (0) 8102 7433-131

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