From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Solaris 5.7
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Scripting Engine problem
Bug description:  parse error generated for comment

//$line = preg_replace("/<?[ _0-9A-Za-z\$\?\&\"\=;]+QBUYURLQ[ 
_0-9A-Za-z\$\?\&\"\=;]+?>/", $buyurl, $line);

ok pretend thats all one line. the problem is that when using c++ style comments, I 
get a parse error @ line [length of file + 1]. using c style comments makes it go 
away. the point of the code it was to replace the php part of a line that contained 
QBUYURLQ in it w/ just the url. it's no longer needed, but took a while to figure out 
that a comment was generating a parse error :)

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