From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Win 98
PHP version:      4.0.5
PHP Bug Type:     PWS related
Bug description:  HTTP 500 Error and the page cannot be displayed

I installed the PHP 4.0.5.  The IE 5.5 shows "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" on the 
title and "the page cannot be displayed" on the IE document, when I open any PHP web 
page by using PWS as a web server.  

If I click this page directly by using "Windows Explorer", it dumps all the HTML tags 
to DOS prompted window.
However, web pages runs fine when I use PWS + PHP 4.0.4PL1.  Those pages also runs 
fine under Apache + PHP 4.0.5.

I checked the regedit, php.ini, browscap.dll and browscap.ini.  If the PHP 4.0.4PL1 
runs fine with PWS, why the PHP 4.0.5 cann't work together with PWS?  Does this mean 
that PWS cann't recognize the PHP 4.0.5?  How to solve this problem?

I use the web page (one line only) below as a test page.
<?php print(phpinfo()); ?>

Best Regards,

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