From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: All
PHP version:      4.1.0
PHP Bug Type:     MySQL related
Bug description:  Please use Character-enable mysql_escape

in file php-4.1.0/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c line 1365
Z_STRLEN_P(return_value) = mysql_escape_string(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value),
Z_STRVAL_PP(str), Z_STRLEN_PP(str));
could you change from
mysq_escape_string into mysql_
to something like
#if MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 32321
        len = mysql_escape_string(out, in, size);
        if (self) {
                len = mysql_real_escape_string(&(self->connection), out,
in, size);
                len = mysql_escape_string(out, in, size);

(quote from mysql python module)
Edit bug report at:

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