From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: redhat 7.1
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Filesystem function related
Bug description:  if the filesize if more than 2GB, filesystem functions do not seem 
to recognize

$folder = dir(.);
$folder->rewind() ;
while ($file=$folder->read()) {
     if (is_dir ($file)) {
            do_some thing.......
     elif (is_file($file)) {

is_file() call in the above code does not return ture if the file size is > 2GB.

I was able to print $file, just inside the loop (meaning the folder object has the 
file in the filelist
and hence it is the is_file() which is filtering it out.
I tried other functions like file_exists(), is_readable() etc in place of is_file() 
without any success.

Edit Bug report at:

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