From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux 2.2.14
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Scripting Engine problem
Bug description:  Incorrectly reported line number on errors with Mac line-breaks

When a file is saved using Macintosh-style line breaks 
('\r') and there is some kind of error in the script (maybe 
a parse error, etc.) then the line number that is reported 
is always line 1.

It's a fairly minor thing, but annoying nonetheless. A 
workaround, obviously, is to make sure you save your 
scripts with Unix line-breaks ('\n').

This sounds like it's related to (and may have been fixed 
along with) bug #10578. However, in my experience it has 
been in existence since PHP 4 was first released and 
possibly even in PHP3. Maybe I should have reported it 
sooner... :)

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