From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Red Hat 6.2
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Apache related
Bug description:  libmcrypt

I am writting you because I have compilled libmcrypt version 2.2.7 with the following 
options "----disable-posix-threads prefix=/usr/include/libmcrypt". I have also 
compilled PHP to have "--with-mcrypt=/usr/include/libmcrypt".

The configure, make and make install proccess goes fine but when I restart Apache 
(version 1.3.14 rpm install) I get an error like this: cannot load modual 
/lib/apache/ can not find Altough I have verified that that 
all needed files are prescent. I have also tried many different compille options to 
try working around this problem but nothing works.

Please help.

Can you tell

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