From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Output Control
Bug description:  IE download file twice when serve from DB.

When I download file stored on DB using IE, Its take me double the time
then Netscape takes.

I discovered that IE download the file twice.
one when the headers are read and latter when the file is requested

here is the code:

$query =  "select * from files where issue_id='$id'";
$result = mysql_query ($query)
 or die ("Invalid query");

 $data = @MYSQL_RESULT($result,0, "file_data");
 $type = @MYSQL_RESULT($result,0, "file_type");
 $file_name = @MYSQL_RESULT($result,0, "file_name");
 $file_size = @MYSQL_RESULT($result,0, "file_size");

 // # To force save file
 //header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$file_name\"");

 Header("Content-type: $type");
 header("Content-Length: $file_size");
 header("Content-Disposition: filename=$file_name");

 echo $data;

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