From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux SuSE 6.3 - Apache
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     *Extensibility Functions
Bug description:  shm_put_var() problem with free space calculation

It seems that "shm_put_var()" has a problem with the
calculation of free space for setting a variable the
second time. I guess it calculates the remaining free
space including the size taken by the old variable

$str=str_repeat("-",30); // 52 (max which fits in 100) is even worse
//shm_put_var($shm,1,0); // using that will make next statement work
without error
shm_put_var($shm,1,$str); // THIS will tell you there is not enoug memory

 Hans Raaf
Edit bug report at:

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