From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: RH 6.2 SMP
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Apache related
Bug description:  Apache processes consume all CPU

I've been experiencing the exact same problem that is described in bug
#14290 and #8446 for quite some time now but did not know which Apache
module was causing it.  Up until now, I've had a cron job that simply kills
off (with a -9) any httpd processes that are using 99% or more cpu time.

Today I've been trying to track down what exactly is causing the problem. 
I've eliminated all extra Apache modules and did not experience the
problem.  When I added PHP back in, the problem started immediately. 
Within one minute of starting Apache back up, the high-CPU processes
started appearing again.

The Apache "server-status" didn't indicate that ANY php script had been
hit.  The processes just start going out of control after some time.  In
fact, there isn't even a single *.php* file on the server.  I really don't
think this is happening because of a PHP script being run.

I'm currently testing this out on a Red Hat 6.2 Linux (SMP) box with dual
CPUs.  From the sound of things in the other bug reports (#14290 and
#8446), the problem only seems to be happening on SMP servers.  I did not
compile with any extra PHP modules except for the core PHP 4.0.6.

I haven't really done a lot with PHP, so I'm not sure how to help debug
this problem.  But I do want a stable Apache environment with PHP support
for my hosting customers.  If there is anything I can do to help debug
things, please let me know.  

I've read the page on using gdb, but I'm think this is a different kind of
situation.  Apache isn't crashing, but certain processes are going
"out-of-control".  Is there a way to get a backtrace of a particular
process while it is still running?

Until this problem can be resolved, I'm going to have to remove PHP from my
servers.  I really don't want to have to do this, but the instabilities are
becoming too much to handle and very hard to explain to our customers.

Please let me know what I can do to help debug and solve this problem.  


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