From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: all
PHP version:      4.1.0
PHP Bug Type:     Feature/Change Request
Bug description:  typeof operator

First part of code is the same in every way:

class Foo {}
$o = new Foo();

Now there is:

if (get_class($o) == "foo") {
  // ok
} else {
  // not ok

I can create walkaround:

function typeof(&$obj, $classname) {
  return (get_class($obj) == strtolower(trim($classname)));

if (typeof($o, "Foo"))) {
  // ok
} else {
  // not ok

You should make it easier, by new `typeof' operator:

if ($o typeof Foo) {
  // ok
} else {
  // not ok

like in JavaScript.
Edit bug report at:

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