From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux 2.4
PHP version:      4.1.1
PHP Bug Type:     Session related
Bug description:  Bug unsetting vars using $_SESSION

In a project I work on I ran into something I would say
is a bug..
When I call the page with ?debug=3 the session var 'test'
gets the value "howdy" and gets stored (no need to call
session_register('test'); (odd?)). After this there seem
to be no way of unsetting/removing this session var..
At least non of the methods below works. Bug?
unset in #2 (see below) removes the var, so it doesn't
show up in the var_dump (#6), but upon calling the page again with ?debug=2
(only show sess-vars), it shows up

At the same: $_GETand $_SERVER is displayed in phpinfo, but not $_SESSION.
Another bug?

In php.ini:
register_globals = On

// #1
if ($debug==3)
  $_SESSION['test'] = "howdy";

// #2
if ($debug==4) 

// #3
if ($debug==5) 

// #4
if ($debug==6) 

// #5
if ($debug==7) 

// #6
if ($debug>1)

Edit bug report at:

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