PHP 4.0.6 has been released.  Like 4.0.5, this is a maintenance release 
which mostly includes fixes to bugs and issues found in earlier 
versions.  Those of you who decided not to upgrade to 4.0.5, may now wish 
to jump directly to 4.0.6 to get all the new fixes of both versions.

One very important addition is the Japanese support through the new 
multibyte extension, that was ported from the PHP 3.0-jp code and improved 
by Rui Hirokawa.  This makes PHP 4.0.6 the first version of PHP to have 
integrated support for Japanese in the standard distribution package, which 
is significantly better than the old solution of having a different version 
especially for Japanaese users.  We hope that additional far-eastern 
languages will be supported in the future.

Another major feature in 4.0.6 is the reduced memory requirements, thanks 
to a patch from Andi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that reduced memory fragmentation very 

Finally, the MySQL module now features the ability to use unbuffered 
queries, for reduced memory consumption when having large result 
sets.  Look at mysql_unbuffered_query() for further details.

A full list of changes is available below, and at

As with 4.0.5, we waited until the Windows binaries are built before 
announcing the availability of the new version.  Thanks goes to Phil 
Driscoll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Daniel Beulshausen 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for providing the Win32 builds.  To go on, point your 
browsers at


23 Jun 2001, Version 4.0.6
- Fixed memory fragmention problem which could lead to web server processes
   growing much more than they should. (Andi, Zend Engine)
- Made $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['foo'] and $foo be references to the same value
   when register_globals is on. (Andrei)
- Fixed disk_free_space() and disk_total_space() under FreeBSD. (Jon)
- Fixed readfile/passthru losing resources during connection abort (Sascha)
- Fixed bug in the mcrypt extension that caused segfaults when using a key
   that is too large for the used algorithm, and a bug that caused
   mcrypt_generic() to segfault PHP (Derick)
- Fixed getopt so that it accepts command line arguments in the form
   -<opt><arg> and -<opt> <arg>. (Jmoore)
- Fixed race in writing session files (Sascha)
- Fixed a possible crash in the PHP CGI when no input file is
   specified (Zeev)
- Added is_callable() function that can be used to find out whether
   its argument is a valid callable construct. (Andrei)
- Fixed a rare possible crash when generating extended information. (Dmitri
   Dmitrienko, Zend Engine)
- Improved virtual() to support PHP-enabled URIs. (Zeev)
- Fixed undefined behavior when using floating point keys in array()
   expressions. (Zeev, Zend Engine)
- Fixed a possible crash in case of parse errors in include files or eval
   statements. (Zeev, Zend Engine)
- Added --with-layout configure option. (Stig)
- Improved interactive mode - supports function calls, and works in
   multithreaded builds. (Zeev, Zend Engine)
- Fixed a crash bug in interactive mode. (Zeev, Zend Engine)
- Added pg_last_notice() function. (Rasmus from suggestion by 
- Fixed a bug in preg_split() that would incorrectly limit the number of
   results when used along with PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY flag. (Andrei)
- Added connection error support to mysql_error() and mysql_errno(). (Jason)
- Added support to getimagesize to return dimensions of BMP and PSD
   files. (Derick)
- Added heuristic to kill stale IRC connections, message scanner caching, and
   nickname escaping to IRCG, suppress option to ircg_msg(), and statistics to
   IRCG phpinfo() output. (Sascha)
- Added Japanese multibyte string functions support. (Rui)
- Added Mac OS X "\r" line ending support. (Andi, Zend Engine)
- Fixed a bug regarding the $PHP_SELF being incorrectly registered when
   force-cgi-redirect was not enabled. (Sterling)
- pfpro extension now supports version 3 of the Verisign SDK. (John Donagher)
- Udm_Cat_List and Udm_Cat_Path functions has been added.
- Added key_exists() to check if a given key or index exists in an
   array or object. (David Croft)
- Modify the cURL extension to compile only with the latest cURL release.
   Backwards compatibility with regards to the extension api has not been
   broken. (Sterling)
- Added the ability to use user-defined callbacks with cURL. (Sterling)
   and CONNECTTIMEOUT options to curl_setopt(). (Sterling)
- Added support for persistent connections with cURL. (Sterling)
- Fixed a problem in cURL with file descriptors being allocated, but never
   closed. (Sterling)
- Fixed interactive mode (-a). It works again with the same limitations it
   has always had. (Andi, Zend Engine)
- Improved memory manager to use less memory and provide better memory overflow
   detection abilities in debug mode. (Andi, Zend Engine)
- Fixed resource leaks when resources were being cast to numbers. (Zeev, Zend
- Fixed foreach() to not crash when being sent an invalid argument. (Andi, Zend
- Fixed a bug in opendir() under Windows when trying to open a non-exisiting
   directory. (Andi)
- Fixed popen() and the exec family under Win32 (Unable to fork issue). 
- Make the printf family of functions binary clean. (Rasmus)
- Fixed WDDX serialization to HTML-escape key/variable names so as not to
   break the XML packet. (Andrei)
- Made WDDX extension enabled by default. (Andrei)
- Added -C command-line option to avoid chdir to the script's directory. (Stig)
- Fixed a bug with /e modifier in preg_replace(), that would not correctly
   replace two-digit references if single digit references were present
   before them. This fixed bug #10218. (Andrei)
- Added temporary LOB support in OCI8. (Patch by David Benson)
- Fixed crash in pathinfo()
- OCI8 now supports binding of collections. (Patch by Andy Sautins
- Added GD 2.0.1 support for truecolor and alpha channels, plus some other gd
   functions, both old and new - see docs for more info. (Wez)
- Added S/MIME sign/verify encrypt/decrypt functions to openssl extension,
   along with some other certificate manipulation and interrogation functions.
   See docs for more info. (Wez)
- printf argnum (parameter swapping) support. (Morten Poulsen, Rasmus)
- Add DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant ('/' on UNIX, '\' on Windows). (Stig)
- Added small change to php_odbc module, to check for failed SQLDisconnects
   and to close any outstanding transactions if the call fails, then disconnect
   again. (lurcher)
- Modified get_parent_class() and get_class_methods() to accept a class name as
   well as a class instance. (Andrei, Zend Engine)
- Added support for UNC style paths. (\\server\share\file,
   //server/share/file). (Daniel, TSRM)
- Added dbx module (database abstraction) to the repository. (Marc)
- Using ITypeInfo instead of IDispatch if possible. This makes DCOM calls
   and even COM calls much faster.
   All ini settings are now prefixed by 'com.'.
   Now you need not provide a path to the file containing the typelib, you can
   also provide the GUID of the TypeLib - entry or an IID for preloading
   type - information. (phanto)
- Rewrite of domxml. It's now mostly DOM Level 2 conform. (Uwe)
- Added array_map() function that applies a callback to the elements
   of given arrays and returns the result. It can also be used with a
   null callback to transpose arrays. (Andrei)
- Added array_filter(), which allows filtering of array elements via
   the specified callback. (Andrei)
- Fixed all relevant array functions to avoid moving the internal array
   pointer during operations. (Andrei)
- Added mysql_unbuffered_query(), which is useful for very large result sets.

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