On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 06:18:58PM +0200, Alban Médici wrote:
> I need to realize a Php (non web mode) API which will generate some text 
> file in the LDIF format. ( easy to do)
> Then with the same API i would like to charge the text file into the db.
> Is there any Php function exist to command the LDAP DB to load this file 
> like the command line utility "Ldif2db" ???

I'm not aware of such, but why not use tools like Ldif2db, ldapadd,
slapadd etc? Someone might have written something like this in PHP,
perhaps you could ask on the php-general list where this question
belongs? There are also numerous places where you might find PHP
code. Look for links at the PHP site, ask on php-general, or maybe
use google.


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