On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 08:30:39PM +0100, Christian Chateauvieux wrote:
> No,
> it still does not fix my problem.
> I don't know if I am missing the point but I don't see how my locale
> settings could help.

Your code looks okay, but I don't trust it 100%, could you please do
something like:

$info["objectclass"][] = "top";
$info["objectclass"][] = "person";
$info["cn"][] = "Test Person";
$info["sn"][] = "Person";

and check you can add the entry. Then replace say Person with a string
$sn that contains at least one special character, and add:

$info["objectclass"][] = "top";
$info["objectclass"][] = "person";
$info["cn"][] = utf8_encode("Test $sn");
$info["sn"][] = utf8_encode($sn);

If this fails, give me the entire script that fails, if it works, the
problem is probably in your own code. Try to move gradually from this
simple code, to what you have below. It might help you to check the
contents of the array right before you call ldap_add(). var_dump() is
nice for printing contents of an array. BTW, your problem could also
be that an attribute is defined to be IA5 (plain ascii) only.


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