Will you please let us know when to re-enable the cron jobs for rsync.

Also a question...
Will the script that checks when the last update was for each site,
disable all the sites?
They are not going to be updated for 5 days or so...


-----Original Message-----
From: James Cox [mailto:imajes@;php.net] 
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 3:31 PM
To: Php-Dev
Cc: Php-Mirrors
Subject: Rsync and Snaps

Hey all,

Rsync and snaps are going to be inactive for much of this week. We are
moving boxes, and this will mean we are going to take down the service
the beginning of the week, and it may not return until late in the week.

If you have any cron jobs that rely on these services (particularly
you may wish to comment them out to reduce server noise.



James Cox :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: http://james.blogs.at/
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