> There is only Sablotron support.  No Xerces.  Feel free to contribute the
> code to support Xerces.

hi Rasmus,

Sab is an XSLT processor, Xerces is a validating XML parser. You were
probably thinking Xalan, which is the apachexml XSLT processor. Yes, I'd
also like to have access to Xalan via php, though I haven't used it, so I
don't know if it's cool. Probably is. Sab ceartainly leaves a lot to be
desired :)

My question was: what's the status on all of the xml/xslt extension stuff?
I.e. Has the xml parser extension been changed to be more "general" so an
extension can happen? I know little of those goings-on, just that there was
some discussion. Do you guys know of anyone who is working on Xerces or
Xalan support? Etc.



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