On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, Mark Lidd wrote:

> At 04:39 PM 7/2/01 +0000, you wrote:
> >ID: 11839
> >Updated by: derick
> >Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Old-Status: Open
> >Status: Feedback
> >Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
> >Operating system:
> >PHP Version: 4.0.6
> >Assigned To:
> >Comments:
> >
> >Can you please summarize this?
> >
> >
> >
> >Derick
> I believe that some code in the PHP module looks for an HTML tag that has
> the string "/ad/" in it, removes the "<"  and places the html comment
> <--!  --> around the html tag.  This happens only if the html is going to a
> client on a system other than on the server.   This results in the banner
> ad not being displayed.  I noticed this in the latest 4.0.6 tarball.  I got
> around the issue by using the string "/add/"  in my html tag.  The string
> "/ad/" is part of the eZPublish banner ad.
> I know it sounds weird, but that's it in a nutshell.

I can't believe PHP is causing this, as there is no occurence of /ad/ in
the PHP source, and PHP never add's <--! or something. Also, there
can't be any difference between html outputted by PHP on different
systems, as PHP is serverside. Can you make a single PHP page which
reproduces this problem, so that we can try it?


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