On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 02:10:04AM +0100, Wez Furlong wrote:
> All:
> I've just committed a php-style version of the ucdata package that Stig
> directed me to.


> Stig:
> Rather than generate binary data files at configure time, based on
> a bundled UnicodeData.txt file which is quite large, causes problems
> for win32 builds, and has run-time thread safety and data file location
> issues (for freshly built but not installed php binaries), I settled on
> having ucgendat generate a header file with the ctype and case data tables
> declared within it.
> All that is needed is to add these files to the build and voila! it works :-)

Yes, I think that's a good solution. The tables are very stable.
Could you also commit the source for your modified ucgendat? Or is it
there somewhere?

> There are some interesting functions available in the ucdata package; some
> of them might benefit mbstring, so perhaps it is worth a look?

I think Unicode normalization should be useful to people. If you want to
do matching (looking for "equal" Unicode strings), you really need this.
But I haven't really seen anyone ask for this yet. So far I have avoided
this problem since I've been using OpenLDAP to store data, and it does
the necessary normalization and matching for me, if I stored Unicode in
another database... If for instance you use some SQL database, you should
normalize all data before storing it, and also normalize strings in


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