Hi Ana Paula,

This list is only intended for php development... in another thread just
post to php-general list ok?

But I can help you about this question now.

Have you RTFineManual?

Take a look at POST_MAX_SIZE or UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE directive
of your php.ini file.

There you will be able to configure your php to work with upload stuff.


Ernani Joppert Pontes Martins

and in anoth

"Ana Paula Sabelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu na mensagem
I have Linux Redhat 6.2, Apache 1.3.26 and PHP 4.2.3, and I have problems
files upload. When I make an upload; the php,  upload the file to the
directory /var/tmp, but a little piece of it.
I have checked the php.in and I have all ok there.
I have posted this problem to many forums and lists, and nobody could tell
me nothing.
What happens with chunked encoding, does php supports it? How php manage a
file upload?

Please help me, I canīt resolve this problem.


Ana Paula

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