Placed At :  MAATDLN

11/29/2002 10:09 AM

Hi All,
     I have got a doubt regarding the way php works, wrt its FS implementation.
Assuming I run apache as my webserver and I enable the option,
SymLinksIfOwnerMatch, in my URL-space, apache issues extra system calls to check
on symlinks. One extra systemcall per filename component. There is however a way
to disable the same check.

I have 2 queries here :
1.) Why should an application like php (basically does parsing of the php file &
does whatever code is written in the file as work/job) be bothered about
symlinks ?  &
2.) Even if this check has been incorporated in the code, there shd be an option
like apache to disable the same (Is there one?)

Whatever finetuning is done wrt FS in the apache code/config, performance is
nullified when php goes about stat 'ing the same file starting from the toplevel

So :
1.) Is there an option to disable the symlink check being made by php ?
     a.) If yes, could someone tell me how do I go about doing it ? &
     b.) If not, could someone tell me the filename/function name where the
lstat's are done in php code ?

Note: I find that for one file, thrice symlink checks are being made ??


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