It should work fine, as long as you use the php_admin directives.

At 21:50 20/10/2002, Matus "fantomas" Uhlar wrote:

I found out that it is not possible with current php stable version (4.2.3)
to define some configuration variables per virtual host - e.g.

The upload_tmp_dir is masked ad PHP_INI_SYSTEM which allows changing
php_upload_dir in php.ini or in httpd's main config - not in VHost config,
which makes me unable to use different directories for each virtual web.
I think that is very bad.

The definition of PHP_INI_PERDIR allows changing variables in VHost sections
or in .htaccess files. I don't understand this - users are usually able to
configure .htaccess, which would allow them to overwrite settings in VHost
section of httpd's config.

I work with Apache, and with other http servers the situation can be
different (any way I would wonder as long this is a policy-problem, not
implementation problem).

Therefore I propose a change:

PHP_INI_SYSTEM variables should be allowed to change by admin - in
system-wide php.ini or httpd.conf, no matter if it's VHost or not.

PHP_INI_PERDIR would be then made useless and .htaccess things can be
checked with PHP_INI_USER.

 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
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