        I've just completed some local php extensions using VC++.  Here are some
notes that might help others when creating php extensions using VC++.

By default, Visual C++ will add classes with a .cpp extension.  To make this
work properly, you must either wrap the C specific sections, or force C
linkage.  The sections that must be wrapped are:
        extern "C" {
        #include "php.h"
        #include "php_ini.h"
        #include "ext/standard/info.h"
        extern "C" {
        #ifdef COMPILE_DL_MYMODULE
To force C-linkage, you can change the extension to .c, or add /Tc to your
settings (Project > Setting > C/C++ >General - then add /Tc to the "Project
Options" at the bottom).

Second, you should add this to the very top of your cpp file:
        #ifdef WIN32
        #include <math.h>
Otherwise, the math header will be included inside the extern "C" section,
and will cause an error.  (STL template definitions can't be included under
the "C" linkage.)

Third, be sure to declare all function prototypes first.  If you don't use a
php_MyModule.h file, you _must_ declare all function prototypes before the
first zend function struct.  So, put them after your header includes, and
before the section that looks like:

        function_entry MyModule_functions[] = {
        PHP_FE(confirm_MyModule_compiled,       NULL)           /* For testing, remove 
later. */
        {NULL, NULL, NULL}      /* Must be the last line in Cache_functions[] */

These were just a few small notes that really helped me in using Visual C++
to build some PHP extensions.  Also, the article
http://www.devnewz.com/2002/0909.html was very helpful to start from.


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