-1 Even if it does make for consistency (which is debatable) anyone who uses
the >>> operator will also know that <<< is the same as << (one less
character to type too).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Greene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 2:37 AM
> To: PHP-Dev
> Cc: Andi Gutmans
> Subject: [PHP-DEV] Unsigned Right Shift Sould there be a matching left
> shift?
> Hello everyone,
> Andi and I have been talking offline regarding my unsigned right shift
> operator patch. We have decided to implement this change in ZE2;
> however, there is one thing left to be resolved before the functionality
> can be added.
> Currently the Unsigned Right Shift patch implements 2 new operators:
> >>>  (Unsigned Shift)
> >>>= (Unsigned Shift Assign)
> In my initial patch I did not include the equivalent left shift
> operators because sign only affects a right shift. However, this does
> introduce a consistency problem, and so the question is should we
> implement <<< and <<<= and have them just be aliases to << and <<=?
> Thanks,
> -Jason
> --
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