
>> But unfortunately a dedicated server does not cost much more than virtual
>> hosting anymore (just have a look at http://powerraq.com/ ). PHP is
>> mostly pre-installed (with "dev settings" and not "production settings" -
>> many admins even forget to switch on safe_mode) and this lazyness
>> leads to thousands of insecure PHP installations on production
>> machines.

> Why would you switch on safe_mode if you have a dedicated server?  That
> makes no sense.  There is also nothing unsafe about the session code if
> you are on a dedicated server.

I meant renting a dedicated server for selling virtual hosting.

But because safe_mode is so terribly limiting (file uploads dont work
as desired etc..) many hosters just leave it "off". It's terrible, but
I see it quite often. But I don't want to start again a discussion on
this. Until Apache 2.0 has reached production quality, there is no
standard method of making PHP secure. period.

I actually got PHP scripts running "as user". I applied a patch to
cgiwrap (I know, patching cgiwrap or SuEXEC is no-no) but I still want
to test this thoroughly as I don't have any information about
stability/security. There's quite a loss of speed (more latency)
because of CGI and also because for example persistent database
connections are not anymore possible. But at least I can execute shell
commands (such as invoking http://www.imagemagick.org/ ) without any

Kind Regards,
  Daniel Lorch

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