
Thank you very very much.  I knew I was mentally challenged!

I love php.

Jim Anderson

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bug Database" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 06, 2001 11:24 AM
Subject: PHP 4.0 Bug #10210 Updated: Netscape 4.75 will not render web pages
built with php.

> ID: 10210
> Updated by: sniper
> Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Old-Status: Open
> Status: Bogus
> Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
> Assigned To:
> Comments:
> With a quick glance to the sources I saw at least one
> </table> missing from the end..
> Anyway, this is your script that is faulty, not a bug
> in PHP. Some browsers don't mind if there are missing </table> tags but
some (like NS4) will.
> --Jani
> Previous Comments:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2001-04-06 11:19:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Maybe I'm mentally challenged???  I have built a web site
> using php, Apache, and Linux.  Everything looks great using
> Microsoft web browsers and even with Netscape 6.  The
> problem is with Netscape 4.75-ish!!!  It won't show any of
> the pages, graphics or php from the site.  Try it!!!
> http://test.bbsjax.com/~gumb/
> All pages are .php.  Here's what the index.php looks like:
> <?php
>   include "filename";
>   do_body();
>   do_top();
>   do_brag();
>   do_main_subnav();
>   do_main();
>   do_bottom();
> ?>
> ... of course these functions are supposed to render the
> page, at least they do with Netscape 6 and that Microsoft
> product.
> Is this a problem with me or with php or with older versions
> of Netscape???
> Please Help,
> -gumb
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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