From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: WinNT4 sp6
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Scripting Engine problem
Bug description:  Redirection fails in ISAPI mode

I use the O'Reilley WebSite Pro webserver under Win NT4 and the compiled
PHP 4.0.6 for windows from you. It can be set up to use PHP as a cgi or as
isapi or both.

My test for redirection is a one-liner: <? header("Location:
redirect_to_this_page.html"); exit; ?> which is called by a link from
another page and should make the  redirect_to_this_page.html page to be

This works when using PHP as a cgi. 
However, when using PHP as isapi I get an error: "Document contains no
data..." which means that the redirection fails and the server does not
return any data. The results are the same with both IE and Netscape as

Edit bug report at:

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