From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Class/Object related
Bug description:  Problems with classes and links to objects

class a {
        function a ($obj) {
                $this->h = &$obj;
                return true;

class b {
        var $d=1;
        var $item;
        function b () {
                $this->item = new a (&$this);
                echo $this->d.'//'.$this->item->h->d.'<br>';    }
        function c () {
                $this->item = new a (&$this);

$b = new b ();
//$b->c (); //****
echo $b->d.'--'.$b->item->h->d;

Try to comment and recomment line ****
I see there is a bug with that sitution:
after finishing of object "b" constructor, link $a->h not linked to "b"
object and $a->h is a copy of object "b".
I think, this is not right. In constructor $a->h is still link to "b", but
after finishing the $a->h is a copy of "b".
Edit bug report at:

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