From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Debian GNU Linux (woody)
PHP version:      4.0.5
PHP Bug Type:     Sablotron XSL
Bug description:  PHP stops interpretting page after error in parser.

I've got a problem using sablotron PHP module.  When XML or XSL string are
broken xslt_process function prints about error, and then PHP stops
interpretting my page.  So I can not print error message.  Btw, I got
another problem: sometimes after I correct mistake in XML/XSL sablotron
continues reporting about errors (but after restarting apache everything
starts work fine).  I think problem is in PHP module.

Does anyone see this bug?  Any comments are welcome.

p.s. If you need details (Apache's, PHP's, sablotron's versions and so on)
I'll post it.
Edit bug report at:

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