ID: 13062
Updated by: sniper
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Session related
Operating System: RH7.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Can not reproduce with latest CVS.
Please reopen if you have the problem with
latest RC from:

Previous Comments:

[2001-08-30 11:52:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When using session_unset on a page where no session variables have been set, 
session_unset causes the apache child process to segfault.  I'm using Apache 1.3.20 
with PHP 4.0.6.  I've taken out the session_unset call and am just using 
session_destroy now, but I would think that session_unset should gracefully return 
even if there are no set session variables.  It seems to do this even on a page where 
I just set the session variables, and they haven't been saved yet. (IE, start a new 
session, register a session variable, then call session_unset all on the same page 
causes segfault).

My PHP configure looks like this:
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs --with-openssl --enable-calendar 
--enable-ftp --with-gd --with-imap --with-kerberos --with-imap-ssl --with-ldap 
--with-mysql --with-pgsql --with-mm --enable-sockets --enable-sysvshm --enable-wddx

I'm using the MM session handler instead of files.


Edit this bug report at

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