From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux 2.2.19
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Strings related
Bug description:  wordwrap ignores split character when counting input characters

When word-wrapping text, the wordwrap function fails to reset its character
count when encountering the break character in input text.  As an example,
when supplied with the text 

"foo bar\n<70 characters here> baz"

it will break before 'baz', instead of some time after 'baz' as it should
(assuming the standard 75 char line length and \n break char)

I've checked the source ( /ext/standard/string.c roughly around lines 395,
405, 442 and 456) and this is indeed the case.  I can probably find time to
write and send a patch to the appropriate person if necessary, but this may
be more hassle to integrate than that person just doing the easy fix
themselves :-)

Edit bug report at:

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