From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Windows NT
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     *General Issues
Bug description:  mktime bug

The underlying code produces a bug in the time calculation of "mktime". The
28th October 2001 has got 25 hours!!!

  function string2date($dat)
    $resu = substr($dat,6,4).substr($dat,3,2).substr($dat,0,2);
    return $resu;
$date =  "25.10.2001";
$stDate4 = "30.10.2001";
$day = substr($date,0,2);
$month = substr($date,3,2);
$year = substr($date,6,4);

$current_date = mktime (0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);

while ($date != $stDate4)
    // add 1 day = 86400 seconds to the timestamp
    $current_date = $current_date + 86400;
    $date = date ("d.m.Y",$current_date);
    $Date = string2date($date);

/*  // this overrides the bug  
    if ($first_date == $Date)
      $current_date = $current_date + 86400;
      $date = date ("d.m.Y",$current_date);
      $Date = string2date($date);
   echo "$Date<br>";

Edit bug report at:

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