ID: 9687
Updated by: sniper
Old-Status: Feedback
Status: Closed
Bug Type: PHP options/info functions
Operating system: 
PHP Version: 4.0 Latest CVS (11/03/2001)
Assigned To: 

No feedback, works for me fine with 4.0.5 - 4.0.7-dev

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-05 02:35:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does this work with PHP 4.0.6RC2:



[2001-03-14 15:33:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Try changing the httpd.conf directives to:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .inc
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps .incs


p.s. Fancy coloring works for me just fine..
I guess you know that you have to copy (or link) the
original file to that extension to get it colored?


[2001-03-14 13:44:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I must be missing something, but it would seem your 
suggestion/solution is to symlink all my files for which I 
want to see coloring to different file extensions to see 
their source.

For curiosity's sake, I tried this, but it as well didn't 

The issue is not mistaken file extension association, or 
misspelled directives, so I can only assume it's either 
related to Apache when it tries to retrieve the data from 
PHP after an application/x-httpd-php-source directive, or 
related to the application/x-httpd-php-source directive 
handler in PHP itself. Either way, I'd like to track it 
down. What should I do?


[2001-03-11 17:22:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For a while, I have been experiencing an irksome problem since about 4.0.4, but I 
can't pinpoint when exactly it started.

On RedHat 7.0, I have the following webserver running:

Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) PHP/4.0.5-dev mod_ssl/2.8.1 OpenSSL/0.9.5a

on a 500 Mhz P3 with 240 MB of RAM.

The PHP DSO module is built from the CVS pull from about 12pm PDT today (3/11/2001).

Anyway, whenever I try to access a pretty colored source code version of any of my 
files via .phps (where .phps is one of the extensions setup as an 
application/x-httpd-source type), I get a "zero data" message from my browser.

The physical configruation line shows:

AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps .inc

I compiled PHP as a CGI version to see if it was an Apache issue, and the same thing 

The Apache child processes aren't dying, either. And the logs show a content legth of 
0 and a successful request, so i don't have any idea what's really going on.

I'm willing to assist anyone in determining the cause of the problem, but I haven't 
seen it listed anywhere else.

I have the following PHP configuration:

'./configure' '--with-apxs=/opt/apache/sbin/apxs' '--enable-track-vars' 
'--enable-inline-optimizations' '--enable-trans-sid' '--with-mysql' 
'--with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql' '--with-curl=/usr/local/curl' '--with-gd' 
'--with-t1lib-dir=/usr/local/t1lib' '--with-ttf' '--enable-pcre' 
'--with-bz2=/usr/local/bzip2' '--with-zlib' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--enable-wddx' 

Any help or pointers to provide more help is welcome.


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