Ive noticed ( after much tweeking ) that I can compile a extension
 readybuilt one or my own ) under VC6.0 on win32.

Im using the source for 4.0.6 and am linking with the 'pre-compiled' 4.0.6
dist off www.php.net, If I create my extension in a .c file, it compiles and
links fine.  BUT if I put it in a .cpp file ( thus compiling in C++, rather
than plain C ) I get a load of errors from ( #include ) ostream, which is
included in 'php.h'.  I also get errors as 'istream' is not known.  Its not
in the current namespace!

I have managed to solve these by adding ( above the #include of php.h )

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

but this the gives me a linking error !!!

__declspec(dllimport) void __cdecl wrong_param_count(void)
__declspec(dllimport) int __cdecl zend_get_parameters_ex(int,...)

my code is ( basicly ) the example from http://www.zend.com/apidoc/c337.php.
Ive done a dumpbin on php4ts.lib and the symbols are in there !!! so can
anybody tell me how to compile it.

Any help would be greatly apreaciated.

Also, when is the 4.1.0 code ( I take it thats the next release ) comming
out, and how do you build 'object methods' in extensions.


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