From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Windows 2000 (IIS5)
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Date/time related
Bug description:  Internet Time Incorect

I used this script:

$ServerTime = time();

$SerTime = date('g:i:s a',$ServerTime);
$SerLongDate = date('l, dS F Y',$ServerTime);
$SerBeat = date("@B",$ServerTime);

Print "<b>ServerTime:</b> $SerTime<br><b>ServerLongDate:</b> 
$SerLongDate<br><b>ServerSwatch:</b> $SerBeat<br>";

The internet time shows correctly except for the first hour (or 42 beats)

>From @000 onwards it does not count up 001, 002, 003 etc untill 1 hour has passed and 
>it then shows @042.

Is this a bug with PHP or Windows 2000. ALso if it is PHP is it just Win32 or the unix 
version also.

Edit Bug report at:

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