ID: 9591
Updated by: sniper
Old-Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Date/time related
Assigned To: 

The segfault bug is fixed in CVS already. 

FYI (from NEWS file in CVS):
- Added 'r' flag to date() which generates an RFC822 formatted date, e.g.
   "Thu,  9 Nov 2000 16:33:01 -0500" (Colin)


Previous Comments:

[2001-03-06 19:18:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The following code produces a segmentation fault:
<? echo date('h:i:s <br> d/m-y'); ?>
If i remove the <br> it works just fine.

In the web-browser it outputs wrong day of the month
Example: "12:59:40 3158065/03-01"

In error_log the following message is printed:
"child pid xxxxx exit signal Segmentation fault (11)"

No core dump or any output in gdb

The code above works fine in earlier versions of PHP

I have tried the code with serveral different apache versions,
with different modules/configure options, and with both DSO and static compiles, and 
on different computers. Always the same result.


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