On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Jun wrote:

> Hi! I have a website whose pages were written in PHP.. using some classes I
> have made that extensively use method overloading.. Before, my webhosting
> company was using PHP 4.0.6 but just this january, they have upgraded to PHP
> 4.3.0... that is when I started to receive errors. My website is currently
> down because all of my scripts are reporting error:
> Cannot Redeclare .. blablah blah..  It seems to me that the support for
> method overloading was removed. Even my FastTemplate class is issuing the
> same error.....
> What will I do to minimize the time in re-doing all of my scripts. And also,
> why did the PHP guys removed the support for method overloading..?

It was never a feature, but a bug that you could redeclare methods. PHP 
had never real method overloading. ANyway, this mail belongs on 


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