> >We have a bit of a dilemma here.  As you all know, the 4.0.7 branch, on
> >which 4.1.0 is currently scheduled to be based on, has branched away a
> >months ago.  Some people have expressed concern that releasing 4.1.0
> >on that branch is not a good idea, because there have been so many
> >in the HEAD branch, and synchronizing fixes and so on is going to be a
> >headache.
> I have a bad feeling about this branch and I vote for dropping it and
> starting new from HEAD. There are several reasons for this:

Lets take the release process out of the developers hands, have someone non
developerish running releases and THEM making the sole decision on what goes
in and what doesnt. Developers are not involved in the release process at
all. A group of 4-5 people run the release process they have people
supporting them testing on different platforms (we need someone for Win 32,
Solaris, Linux (maybe 2) and maybe MacOS). It is their job to get releases
out and their decision is final.

having said that they need to understand what is going on, although I see
the urgency of getting 4.1 out I also feel that the 4.0.7 branch isnt the
way to go. Lets rebranch and have a small group of people who are
responsible for the release and only they are involved in it unless they ask
for help.

I would suggest perhaps we try with Jani? in charge with Derick, myself and
perhaps one or two other people (Zeev, Stig advising?) involved, the
advatage of this is Derick, Jani, ssb, Zeev and I normally are on IRC and
therefore able to keep each other informed rather than sending mails to the
list which are ignored.

Anyway just my tuppence, let me know.


- James

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