I no longer work in the company which used oracle databases so I can't test this for 

At 07:03  3/04/01, you wrote:
>ID: 6342
>Updated by: kalowsky
>Old-Status: Open
>Status: Feedback
>Bug Type: ODBC related
>Assigned To: 
>is this still a valid bug, or has it been addressed in a recent release of php?
>Previous Comments:
>[2000-08-24 20:04:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I can't connect to any oracle databases using ODBC.
>I get the following error when using the M$ oracle odbc drivers
>Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]Error while trying to 
>retrieve text for error ORA-12154, SQL state 08001 in SQLConnect in 
>include/db_odbc.inc on line 30
>And the following when using oracles odbc drivers
>Warning: SQL error: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]Error while trying to retrieve text for error 
>ORA-12154 , SQL state 08004 in SQLConnect in include/db_odbc.inc on line 30
>Any ideas?
>I would try and connect via the Oracle Drivers directly but they haven't been 
>included in any php4 releases yet and I don't know how to compile it. :)
>ATTENTION! Do NOT reply to this email!
>To reply, use the web interface found at http://bugs.php.net/?id=6342&edit=2 

Cameron Just ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Phoenix Digital Development

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