> one other (unrelated) thing : there seems to be an overlap between 
> members of the zend_object_handlers struct and the zend_class_entry 
> stuct (function pointers for property access and method calls). is the

> current state transitional (i.e. should all code going forward use 
> only the zend_object_handlers way ?) then again i guess thats what 
> macros and such are for....

you only need to set up the zend_object_handlers struct. theoretically
you even don't need a zend_class_entry struct if you don't want the
'$obj = new class();' syntax but create your objects through function
calls '$obj = new_class();'.
you can look at /ext/rpc/, both methods of creating objects are
implemented there.

BUT:  (and i'm writing this in capitals so that andi and stas don't stop
reading at the lines above)

overloading of array members seems to be droped so far. i don't know how
to handle $obj->arr[$x] as there is no callback for the array index.


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