On Fri, 27 Dec 2002, Joerg Behrens wrote:
> We have some buggy Code left in the current rc.
> 1. We have some bogus warnings at the end of the configure
> /config.status[2063]: 6: bad file unit number
> ./config.status[2064]: 6: bad file unit number

Not sure about this one.

> 2.Ext/exif
> cc-1133 cc: ERROR File = /usr2/MIPS/php-4.3.0RC4/ext/exif/exif.c, Line =
> 1623
>   Expression must be a modifiable lvalue.
> Sascha have already fix this... but looks like it is not merged to the rc4

It was merged after RC4.

> 2 Ext/mime_magic
> cc-1133 cc: ERROR File =
> /usr2/MIPS/php-4.3.0RC4/ext/mime_magic/mime_magic.c, Line = 361
>   Expression must be a modifiable lvalue.
> Stefan Esser lay hand on this but Andy didnt accepted his fix

It's merged in already.

> 3. Ext/mysql
> cc-1133 cc: ERROR File =
> /usr2/MIPS/php-4.3.0RC4/ext/mysql/libmysql/my_tempnam.c, Line = 99
>   Expression must be a modifiable lvalue.
>       ((char **)environ)=(char**)temp_env;              /* May give warning
> */
>       ^
> cc-1133 cc: ERROR File =
> /usr2/MIPS/php-4.3.0RC4/ext/mysql/libmysql/my_tempnam.c, Line = 105
>   Expression must be a modifiable lvalue.

I'm not touching libmysql..

> 4. Ext/standard
> cc-1020 cc: ERROR File =
> /usr2/MIPS/php-4.3.0RC4/ext/standard/flock_compat.c, Line = 59 and 61,63,70
> Look like there is a header file missing. Derick fixed that in cvs Head but
> forget to merge ?

I merged in the fix.

-Andrei                                       http://www.gravitonic.com/

The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where
all the bad girls live.  -- George Carlin

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