Matus Fantomas Uhlar wrote:
> Therefore I propose a change: 
> PHP_INI_SYSTEM variables should be allowed to change by admin - in
> system-wide php.ini or httpd.conf, no matter if it's VHost or not.

I've never tried to use php_value/php_admin_value/php_flag/php_admin_flag
in global httpd.conf context. Does it work with Apache1.x SAPI?

Have you tried php_admin_vlaue/php_admin_flag?
(PHP_INI_ALL directives can be modified in script at least under 4.3.0-dev,

There may be things that are behaving differently from Apache SAPI.
Please report it bug, see if Apache2 SAPI can be made work like
Apache SAPI. (Search bug db first, 1 bug/report, please)

> PHP_INI_PERDIR would be then made useless and .htaccess things can be
> checked with PHP_INI_USER. 

I probably don't understand this line correctly.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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